Five Years went by so quickly!

Darling-est Rhaynnon,

I can not believe that 5 years ago you were born. So much has changed, and I am in awe of your development.

I can still remember that first look at you, as you scowled at me, and there was no doubt who your daddy was (ok, there was no doubt anyway, but you looked JUST like him!) As I held your tiny body, the feet that had kicked me, the elbows I had been poked by, I was in awe and in love.

When you were 6 months old, and had the surgery to correct your cleft palate, that was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. As we watched the World Trade Center buildings collapse, we had to wait to make sure you were ok.

Before we knew it you were walking and turning one, then two, three and four. Now here we are at the cusp of five. School age. I am excited and worried at the same time. You have been talking about school for over a year now, and I know how it feels to look forward to the start of school, I have always loved that first day. I was extremely excited to get you into a better school, you will be attending a Waldorf charter school, instead of the local public school. I have been worried about sending you there. When you went to the daycare while I was in college you often came home and told me kids had threatened to “kick your butt.” I was unhappy about that, and this place seems to have a sense of community that will be good for the whole family.

Your imagination is incredible. We love to listen to your made up songs you sing, and the stories you tell. Every day you have something new to share with us. You play with your sister, and you, as I knew you would be, are the greatest big sister to her. Her eyes light up when she sees you (almost as much as when she sees me!)

I can not wait to see the woman you will become, although some days I am saddened by the big girl you are, and the baby you no longer will be.

I am so glad that we had you, and I have never thought of you as a mistake, only a happy, incredible, wonderful accident. I love you.


I swear you were three, but for some reason I can not find a picture of you around your 3rd birthday!

1 comment:

TLC said...

WOW! That did fly by! I was trying to find that photo you sent me of your pregnant Rhayn belly. WOW! Five years! It doesn't seem that long ago! I hope she has a super fun day!

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