Today I have very little to say. My weekend was busy, Saturday I spent the day studying for my midterm. But the testing center closed at five pm so I took the midterm Sunday at 11. After that I raced home and got the girls and we headed to Hairball's baby blessing potluck. We missed the blessing, but I had to take the test! Plus, I would have just been chasing Gwendy around the church, she is at THAT phase right now, and man its no fun!
After we got home I went upstairs to bed, and watched Night at the Museum. Will had watched it earlier and so did Rhayn. I lay in bed with the heating pad because- yup you guessed it!- I have a sore red booby again. This was the worst yet, because I didn't have time to rest all weekend. Ok, I could have made time, but I didn't. So Sunday I rested with the heating pad and some gatorade. I did not take any medicine, because I was monitoring my fever, it only was about 103 at the height of it all. I have an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow afternoon, bu I am hoping to call and cancel it because I feel miraculously better (heres hoping!)
I keep thinking that maybe its my body telling me that I need to wean Gwennie, but then she looks at me, with that pleading expression. How can I deny her? How can I take it away? She is so little. Plus the World Health Organization says breastfeeding until two is better. Who am I to argue with WHO on that one? Plus, I just don't want to stop. What if I never get the chance to nurse another baby? Will she be my only? Will she be the only child that I hold to my breast who looks at me with that love in her eyes? Poor Rhayn missed out on so much by not being able to nurse, and there is always that chance that we won't have another or that if we do they will not be able to nurse. I am aware of that possibility, so I am not ready to be done just yet.
Monday I felt better and went to the Arizona Association of Midwives "Day of the Midwife" picnic/potluck. I was hoping to see my midwife, but wouldn't you know she was on a birth. I did see a few member of the birth community that I hadn't seen in a while. And the recognized me (at least as someone who used to come to the birth circles. Still makes you feel good to be recognized by those you look up to!)
I headed back to my area and picked up Rhayn. We went home and I sat down and rested some. Then our roommate (have I talked about him? Its Will's buddy who is staying with us while he gets his life in order and saves money for his own place.) Rock asked Will if he wanted to go see Page the Village Idiot play at their old hangout. He plays there every Monday from what I understand, but Will had taken Monday and Tuesday off to write some papers for school. He needed a break so he would be fresh to work on the other bit today. I told him to go and have fun. So I went to bed rather early. It was nice to snuggle in bed under th covers, as I was shivering and sore all over. I worry that its more than mastitis, because its never caused me so much grief in the past. I admit that I feel SOOO much better today. I took Rhayn to school this morning, and have been sitting on the couch since then. I plan on maybe heading to the library to get a few more movies. This week I borrowed The Fisher King (per my mythology class) Frida, and Funnyface. I think my sister needs to watch Funnyface, Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire, totally up her alley. Plus there is that crazy dance that the Gap used in its ad campaign for Back in Black in that movie. Frida was strange. I enjoyed it, but way too much for most people, I think.
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