Viruses need not apply.

I took Rhayn to the doctor, and we discussed her illness. He said her tonsils looked awful and did a strep test. That was negative. She apparently has a nasty stomach virus that is going around. Many of the students (and teachers) at her school have it.

The best part? The doctor said we have at least a few more days to look forward to, AND? She should get diarrhea soon. Yay! I just hope she starts feeling better. She has set up camp on the couch and has watched a months worth of television.

I think she is ready for my favorite movie to watch when I am sick, Anne of Green Gables.


Lisa G. said...

Well, glad she's on the upswing. I'm living in fear of this stuff making it's way into our house. Nathan was sick a couple of weeks ago with a fever for a few days, and he threw up once (but that may have been him over-gagging on sinus drainage, I'm not sure). I can hope he just had a milder version of what's going around, but I'm not betting on it.

Oh, and just so you know, because of you, I ate over half of a container of salsa from TJs this morning (I really wanted to make some, but then realized I should probably use up what's in the fridge first).

Amie said...

Ohhh how I love Anne. And Ooooh how I hate diarrhea. Good luck to her. And you. A house full of sickies is no fun.

bodaat said...

Dear Rhayn - I hope you feel better soon! I know that you must feel like the poopies and that I'm sure that isn't fun but the good news is that you will feel better soooooooooon!

Mid-life Midwife said...

Anne of Green Gables, I love you.

I once sat with a woman in labor who watched Anne of Green Gables through out it all. It was such calm, warm fuzzy feeling.

Good thoughts and prayers for quickly-received good health to your family and your computer!

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