Day Tripper

When we woke up yesterday we just lay in bed all cuddled together for a while. Then I got up staggered down the stairs and made coffee (which I didn't get to drink for two hours.) I had a brilliant idea suddenly that we should drive up to see Will's brother's family. We usually go visit them for New Year's Eve, but since we were sick we didn't get to.

I ran up and told Will my idea. He shot it down at first, saying it was too late, if we had planned it, blah blah blah. I kept at him, reminding him that he is leaving in a few weeks, there isn't really time. We have a anniversary night away planned next weekend, and the weekend after that is drill (yeah, he still has to do to that) then it will be time for him to go. 10 February is like right around the corner.

He called them to see if they would even be home, before we mentioned it to Rhayn. After a few minutes on the phone he gave me the OK and I rushed the girls into the shower and Will made breakfast. He told me that we didn't need to be up there until one pm, so we had a little time to relax and get ready.

It was a nice drive, and every one was good. As we drove closer to their house you could see snow on the peaks around Prescott. SNOW! It was chilly but so pretty out, the sweet smell of cold air. (Sorry Tif-do, I know you are not experiencing the pleasant smell of cold air, yours is frigid. I have felt it once or twice.) Ah, brisk.

We hung out at their house until about 8pm, opening some Christmas presents that we had for each other, and talking while the kids played happily. We had also brought Lily up, they have a couple of dogs and she likes to play with them. When we headed home, we were all exhausted.

There are other things to say about the day, but I am tired. Sigh. And it is nearly time to go and pick up Rhayn from school. Why does a week with a three day weekend always feel rushed? Like I haven't enough time to do all that I want? And Will shall be leaving before I know it, and I am not ready for that. I get tears when I think about it. How hard for me, how hard for him, but most of all, how hard for our girls. They are really going to miss him.


tif-do said...

Sounds like a great day... it's so good you could all enjoy each other and spend a day together.

abeNanna said...

Spur of the moment trips often are the most fun. Glad you were able to get up there and see them.

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