Swo Wen

I am taking Rhayn to the doctor today for a well child checkup. But I am also worried about her lymph nodes. They are always swollen (as she says "Am I swo wen?") Normally this wouldn't even be a concern, really she started kindergarten, she is around 60 germ factories every day... it makes sense that she would be fighting germs, right? Well the thing that worries me is that her Aunt Meg (where Gwennie got her middle name) died at age 25 of lymphatic cancer (I think that is how you spell it!) So Will and I want to make sure that the doctors know that, and that they are not worried about it.

I also want to talk to them about her bloody noses. She gets those pretty regularly in the night and will wake up with blood on her face. So we'll see what they have to say about that.


Update- 6:30 pm.

The doctor agreed that although there *probably* isn't anything to worry about it would be better to check her to make sure that her lymph nodes swelling (and they did not disappoint for the appointment, and were quite prominent) is nothing. So she ordered that blood work be done. Our doctor's office has a lab in it, so we don't have to go wait somewhere else.

Rhayn has never had blood drawn, and was really nervous. The tech stuck the needle in, and NO BLOOD came out. So she was trying to pull it out slowly and it popped out. She didn't want to try the other side or another vein, because of the look of terror on Rhayn's face. So I have to make her drink A LOT of water and take her back later. Grrrr..... I hope every thing come back normal.

Did I mention that Gwennie has a fever today also. Its been a fun fun day!


abeNanna said...

Ah, yes the great bloody nose. I spent most of my childhood with my nose spontaneously bleeding. I had to go in and have it cauterized(sp) at least two times. I remember sitting in Primary and my nose just started to pour, it was pretty embarrassing. So, that in conjunction with the dry Arizona air, may be her problem.

Pen-nut said...

My Jazz gets them,too. All the time especially in the summer. Someone told me to put vaseline in each nostril, and the doctor said to try saline solution. They seem to be helping. Good luck with the blood work.

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