Mama Says Om; Outside

The perfect time of year. The weather cools to tolerable temperatures. The sweaters and hats come out expectantly, and can even be used in the morning. All of the people, who hid inside all summer, waiting, are emerging. The parks are filled with laughing children, who are not turning bright red with in moments of swinging.

These past few weeks have brought a lot of great things. Rhayn FINALLY figured out how to swing All. On. Her. Own. The excitement is phenomenal. Gwennie has finally decided that swings are ok, and will tolerate them for a short swing. My emotions have come full circle, and I am totally happy again. I am embracing the beauty around me, enjoying the cool mornings, when I get to bundle myself in sweaters and coats. Our outing the other day was so great that it has really invigorated me.

In just a week and 2 days my birthday will be here. 29, yeah only one year to 30, and I am ok with that. I had a great childhood, early 20s were awesome, and I think I am totally ready to embrace this part of my life.

The best part about this time of year, is being outside, and enjoying the smells and sights of the season. It is going to be a great holiday season.

For more Mama takes on outside- visit Mama Says Om.


Berklie said...

Oh wow! Not only great pics, but so encouraging to hear that you are so positive. Refreshing what this time of year does to our souls,no?
You can see my MSO submission at Berklie Blvd.

tracey clark said...

What a great, inspirational post! You can see and feel the positive energy. Fantastic. And happy birthday!

Shelley said...

Those are some seriously lucky kids! Here's wishing you many happy returns...

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