First Day of School, ever.

Today Gwennie started kindergarten. She was so nervous last night and excited at the same time.

Rhayn helped her pick just the right top to go with her new cheetah skirt. We got to the school at 8, because Rhayn wanted to be early so that she could be in the back row this year. (We'll see if she is after school.) I made them stop to take a picture, and Gwennie wanted it to be by the big tree.After I forced Rhayn to pose with her little sister, we started walking to class. I wanted Gwennie's picture by the welcome sign, so Rhayn went on ahead.

Gwennie held my hand while we walked to her classroom. When we arrived the student couldn't go in yet, so we stood and waited. With the other children.

When Ms. H came out and welcomed her students. You could feel her fear about this. But as soon as she came into the classroom and put her stuff away she started to relax.

We walked around the play yard and she took her turn on the swings. We saw our friend A feeding and watering the chickens.
Gwennie felt hot so we went back inside. She rested for a few minutes and the classroom helper, Ms. D asked if anyone wanted to help in the kitchen. Gwennie raised her hand and offered to help. I wonder if its easier for her to be around adults since she has spent so much of her life with me? Anyway she seemed to enjoy helping Ms. D.

Then came circle time, with morning verse. Which on the first day of school is followed by the Rose Ceremony. Gwennie held hands with her class as they walked over. She sat near one of her classmates and they whispered secrets through the introductions.
After the rose ceremony, she walked back to her classroom. Ms. D told me that she will be the kitchen helper for the day. I gave her a quick kiss and said goodbye. I held my tears as I walked away.Now I am sitting at my oh-so-quiet house, in another hour I will leave to pick her up. And I can not wait to hear about how her day went.

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