Gratitude Monday

I am feeling better today than I was last week. I can only hope I am on the way into the part of pregnancy that is enjoyable. Today I am loving these things-

  • A new baby in my family. Gwennie and I loved going to meet her at the hospital on Friday. Seriously, you can't see how cute she is in these pictures, but she is. Plus, doesn't my sister look AMAZING considering she had birthed a baby merely hours before this?
  • Being 13 weeks along in my own pregnancy.
  • Confirmation that I can in fact feel Baby moving in there. I was at my midwife appointment on Friday and while she was listening to Baby's heart, Baby kicked the doppler, and I felt it. I thought I had been feeling some movement for a few days, and that just reassured me that I was feeling it. (And am therefore NOT crazy.)
  • Saladitos. I haven't had these in years, but I bought a small bag at the store this morning and Mmmm they were good.
  • Going to the grocery store and NOT feeling sick. This was a big step. I usually make it to the end of my trip before I start to feel pukey, but I managed to make it HOME before that happened!
  • Gwennie cracks me up, the other day while playing Chutes and Ladders with Daddy and Rhayn, she was counting to 4 in Spanish- uno, dos, thrres (slight roll on those Rs folks), CHACO!


tif-do said...

This makes me hungry for Saladitos.... They are so good, and they don't have good ones on the mountian, I pick some up in Globe when I pass through!

Amie said...

awesome...and congrats to your sis! Lots of babies in yours and my families recently! Glad you're feeling better.

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