Thought Vomit

Just random thoughts running through my head at the moment.

I am exhausted. This cold is wearing on my patience. It has settled into my sinuses muting my sense of smell. I have all of these lovely fresh from the garden tomatoes and I can eat them, but they have no flavor. Everything I eat has little to no discernible flavor.

And yesterday? I started some very light spotting. I am sure that my period will be here this weekend as scheduled, which is fine I guess... but its not really. This will be the 5th month trying, that will be the 6th. Short in the grand scheme of things, I know. Really I do.

I am trying to stay on top of everything (house cleaning) but all I want to do is lay on the couch and watch crappy television (and by that I mean guilty pleasure type of tv- America's Next Top Model, True Blood, or something like that, loaded with crap and not good for me at all.) I do not want to parent anyone, I would love it if the kids went away for a day or so. But then I would be lonely and more grumpy.

We/I should be trying to plan our summer vacation, but I can't wrap my mind around anything at the moment. I feel like I am in a perpetual haze because of the cold. We can't do the vacation until late July because Rhayn has a dance recital. And I need to find a place for 2 fairly well mannered dogs, and someone who can come over and check on our cats and to water my garden... unless I buy a timer, which I suppose would be the best idea.

But for now, I think I will just clean the kitchen and then lay down and read a book.

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