Going to go live in a yurt all alone this next week.

I am about a week away from menstruation and as usual its making me cranky but also? I am taking offense at the little things. I am trying to stand back, to just ignore the angry thoughts to not respond to things. It is really hard to do right now.

Deep breaths, calming thoughts, HA! drinking, none of that helps. What I really need to is to be alone. I want to read, and ignore everything around me. I want to make and eat rich things filled with butter and cream.

Lets hope this month's cycle doesn't come in with a really bad migraine. Last month it did and I felt awful all day. I also have to admit that I am scared that somehow, even though we were really careful, we got pregnant this month.

Now who wants to watch my kids whilst I live in a yurt alone for the next week? Any takers? Please?


Anonymous said...

Can I come too? Oh I suppose that would rather defeat the object though! :)

leaner said...

Maybe not, you could commiserate with me.

bodaat said...

Hope your week gets better. -x-

Briep said...

Hope everything flows like normal. ;-)

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