
According to Will my blog post yesterday wasn't clear. He asked me if I was preggers when I came home from Rhayn's ballet class.

I am not pregnant. Not yet. I just wanted to clear the air. We are trying to get in the family way, but we aren't yet. This is the obsessive part for me. I keep looking at when I should ovulate and imagining that baby its birth and all of the things about it (possibly having brown eyes? One can hope!) Its also the fun part (*wink wink.)


Everyday Mom Designs said...

I totally understood, but glad you made the clarification. I wish you all luck! Don't forget to have fun!

Amanda said...

Enjoy the process. Dollar store tests are supposed to be very reliable, and they totally help with the crazy uncontrollable urge to Test. All. The. Time. I also recommend the websites Two Week Wait .com, and Pee on a Stick .com. They are great for the trying to conceive craziness. Good luck, and enjoy the process!!!

bodaat said...

i understood as well! :)

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