Gratitude Day 10

I am thankful that Will is no longer deployed and is home. I know this post would be better tomorrow, given that its Veteran's Day. I have a lot on my mind about it at the moment, though.

As I was taking Rhayn to school this morning I noticed that a flag we pass every day was at half mast. I am sure it was in response to the Fort Hood shootings. Every time I think about that incident I get choked up. I feel such a deep sadness for those families, and every one on that base or who knows someone on that base. I have always thought that while Will was away, on our home soil, on another base, he was safe. Now? I don't think that at all. I learned a few other things this weekend that made bases even less safe seeming. Things that would not occur to the average, safe-in-her-home American.

Since he has been home I have felt blessed so many times. Sure we have our moments of dischord. But more often than not, I look at him, and feel such a swell of love and pride in him. Its hard to explain how I feel having him home by my side, where I can touch and smell him. I know that I could write for hours about this. But I have to start dinner and finish putting away the dishes.


lvh said...

Please tell Will how grateful I am to both he for his servie to this country which protects the freedoms that I enjoy each and every day. And also I'm grateful to you leaner for your support of him because I know it was very hard for you and the girls while he was away from home. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. love you all.

bodaat said...

Reading your posts of gratitude are a small reminder to me to not take things for granted. Thank you for that Leaner.


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