
I think I am afraid to stop. If I stop moving, keeping busy, I might start thinking. If I start thinking I might feel lonely. If I feel lonely, I might cry. Its all very If you give a mouse a cookie. I can not let myself be sad and lonely right now. I do think I need a mental health day. I keep thinking that Rhayn will get sick because strep was going around her school. I am not wishing an illness on her, but usually if we get the letter/email that someone has it at school, within a few days she starts showing the symptoms. I think she is showing the symptoms, but I can not stop right now, she can be sick on Monday, ok? She has the swollen glands, and red throat. She does not have a fever and unless she does and unless she is acting sick (and asking to stay home...) we will just keep on trucking. I have too much to do between now and Sunday.

Tomorrow I have a coffee date with a friend. I look forward to catching up with her. Then I am watching another friend's kids in the afternoon whilst she prepares for a garage sale this weekend. Friday morning I signed Gwennie up for a class at the zoo, Breakfast with the Monkeys. I think she will enjoy it. It will give me a reason to take her to the zoo and have a nice slow morning. Saturday we are meeting another friend at the Farmer's Market at 8ish. Then a birthday party around 11 or 12. Afterwhich I plan on collapsing on the couch while a kids' movie plays for the rest of the day.

Part of my is worried that since I am running on full power at this moment I will crash. I know it is likely. But what would I take out? I want to do all of those things and hopefully since Friday we only have the one morning appointment we will be able to rest for the afternoon.

Today I took Gwennie to Ikea and left her at the childcare for the first time. She loved it. Seriously, it was so nice to just walk slowly around the store and know that she was playing with some other children. I love Ikea. That store is great. I think we might make it a monthly thing, because I could drop her off and get an hour to myself while I sit in the cafe area. I could wander the store, too if I wanted. But mostly I think it would be nice to sit alone for a short time.

1 comment:

Amie said...

the template looks great! and I love your new header! LOVE IT! =)

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