Yesterday was a good day, for the most part. I was sewing happily. Making some cloth grocery bags for my foray into being "Greener" and after a discussion about it in the Birth Circle's forum. I made 2 out of a lightweight denim and three out of this caramel colored canvas-y material. I think this will be awesome and they were so easy to make! (The lightweight denim leftovers were used to make the skirt Gwen has on, so cute! I want to embroider a puppy on it, when I have a free moment.)
I have Care-Bear this week but the girls seemed to be getting along fairly well. Care-Bear and Gwen were washing their hands in the bathroom, and I went to check on them. I noticed a strange burnt motor type smell. I could not figure out where it came from, so I didn't worry too much about it. Rhayn was being bratty, which meant she probably was feeling a little under the weather. Care-Bear had a fever, and said her ears hurt.
Around dinner time I noticed that some of the stuff in the freezer wasn't frozen. I turned the temp down a little. Then later Will attempted to get some ice cream, and it was melted. We noticed that a boo boo buddy had wedged itself into the door. So we removed it, and figured the freezer would start to cool off and be fine by morning.
Around midnight, I hear Rhayn throwing up. Joy, she had mostly made it into the bathroom, but she had puked a little in her room. Oh the smell... yuck. Will got up, muttered something about "I'd help but I really need sleep." Uh, yeah, me too. He is leaving on Wednesday for 5 days to Washington DC for work. He also had to work today. Gwen woke up, crying and wandering around the bedroom. I am trying to prep a sleeping area with puke-can for Rhayn, while attempting to take care of Gwen. Gwen asks for "gink" so I give her a sippy, and turn on Harry Potter. She climbs into bed, so I can finish helping Rhayn.
Now it is 1 am, I have Rhayn set up in her sick bed, a rubbish bin next to her in case. I lay down, and nurse Gwen, she fall asleep quickly. Rhayn pukes on and off until about 4 am. So I slet verey little.
The alarm goes off at 530 am. I hit the snooze button until nearly 6. Finally rolling out of bed totally out of it. I come downstairs and get coffee, I peak in the freezer, which is barely cold. I start moving what I can into our deep freezer. And I sit down with the laptop looking up Kenmore side-by-side information. The internet tells me to check the compressor, where it is located and what it should sound/feel like if working. It is hot, but no noise or vibration. Nothing. Our fridge is dead.
Will is at work by this time, so I email him and ask him to call me ASAP, because I have set up a Sears Home Repair, but the next available they had was SATURDAY!!! That is so far off, what will we do? He tells me to get some ice put what I can in the freezer, and what we really need to keep (milk/eggs) in the ice chests.
So at 8 am, I had to wake Rhayn up, load the kids up and drive to Circle K for ice and powerade (for Rhayn since she was up all night puking, she needs lots of liquids!)
Its 9 am now, the girls are all quiet for a moment because we are watching Wonderpets. I feel like I could pass out at any moment, I am soo tired!
Now I have no idea what we will do about food for the next few days. Also finances are tight and we were just talking about how we end up with unforeseen expenses each month that are making us go into the hole instead of floating like we should be. Hopefully our fridge will be fixed and covered by warranty. It should be is only 4 years and the compressor has a 5 year warranty. If not it will cost about $300 plus to fix it.
If anyone has any good luck to send our way- please do so! We really need some right now.
We all tend to take our refrigerators for granted - we are so used to opening the door and pulling out something cold. Good thing you go camping and have ice chests to store your cold stuff in for a while. Pitch a tent in the family room and have a pretend campout. Love ya, lvh
Yikes, Leaner, what a stinky day/night! The camping stuff is a good idea. Just replace your ice every night. Eat lots of fruits and crackers and beef jerky. Do you have 72 hour kits? Stuff like stew, chili, tuna packets, cocoa, dry cereal, fruit snacks, canned foods will work great. Good luck! If you want to drive up to where I live, we'll feed ya Friday night just for fun! =)
Sorry we have no good luck here. Scotts car dying and I havent found kids yet. Hope everything works out!
Our microwave is broken and they had to order the part. I never really how much I use my microwave.
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