My first choice, the evening offering of Microbiology was totally filled by the time I was able to get through on the phone. So my second choice is Sign Language 101. That ought to be a decent class, I think it satisfies language requirements, too. (I hate language classes!) So it might turn out to be a good thing that Microbiology was filled. I will just have to register earlier next semester to get that class I want. I have to say I am totally disappointed, because I had been trying to register online for a day, and their system was down. It wasn't filled when I started trying.
Also, Gwennie can not have orange juice. It gives her burning diarrhea. She has the most awful rash right now. He poor bottom is red and hurts. The only good thing about it is that as soon as she pees, she starts ripping her diaper off. She is only seconds late. I have to admit that it makes me hopeful that she JUST MIGHT be an early potty trainer! (Like her mama!)
I have a doctor appointment this afternoon because of the mastitis. It hasn't gotten better. Picking Gwennie up hurts and makes me cringe. I have had to force myself to eat. I think my fever finally broke, but its still not normal.
Its nearly time to pick Rhayn up at school. Our Internet has been slow, Or maybe its the sites I visit? All I know its that it is bringing out all kinds of frustration in me. Well, I need to tend to Gwennie's diaper rash, she is screaming because she just peed. My poor sweet baby!
***edited. Don't you just LOVE the expression on Rhayn's face in that picture? The babes are excited, pointing out the prairie dogs, and She is looking at the in... I am not sure? What adjective would YOU use to describe that expression?
1 comment:
That kid did have a diaper on... so not completely naked... it was about 70 that day.
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