The Joy of Getting Felt Up

I was felt up by three people at the doctor's office today. Fun huh? Yup, first the doctor that I was seeing, then he had a student with him, and asked if it was OK if she felt my plugged duct. Then the attending physician had to check and make sure it isn't an abscess. I must say that is the most action I have gotten since, well lets just leave it at that...

I was given a prescription for augmentin, which is the same antibiotic that Gwennie is on. Yeah, only I have to take it for ten days. I can't WAIT for the diarrhea! WHOO HOO! (Just kidding, did I mention that the cold/flu I have on top of the mastitis has already given me that, and a hemorrhoid outbreak in addition? Yup- all the joys of being me right now!) Also, there will be a yeast infection, I am sure, fun since I JUST got over one of those, too.


Mid-life Midwife said...

do you have any natural food stores by you?go get a really good probiotic to take along with and especially after our round of antibiotics! it really does help.

Amie said...

OH MY GOSH, Leaner!!! don't you wish you could just vacate your body for the next week? You poor thing!

nyjlm said...

yes, get thee to a health food store and get some probiotics- for the baby too.

Feel better SOON! and- stay away yeasties.

abeNanna said...

Sure hope you get over this soon - both of you. So far we haven't seen any pink eye in Madison, hopefully she won't get it. Love ya.

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