Thursday morning my mom called me. She was in town, and had nothing to do for a few hours, so she invited me to lunch. We decided that since Rhayn gets out of school at 12:30 we'd wait until after to meet at Claimjumpers. I am not the biggest fan of their food, unless it is their bread pudding. Oh. My. Gosh. That stuff is delectable! Its huge, and one order fed the four of us easily. (Gwennie ate more than I did, I think.)

I miss getting to spend time with my mom. Its rare that we do that. We used to have much more time together. It seems now that with her current living situation she is all "grandkidded" out when it comes time to spend with me. I am sure its not the case, but not living in Cool-town, it takes more for her to spend time with me and my girls.

Gwennie is such a little girl. She loves to put on make-up. She often sits and looks at herself in the mirror. If you tell her she is pretty, she will leave a barrette in, even! Its nearly her 16 month newsletter time, and at this moment I can think of so many things she has recently accomplished. Its amazing how much she is turning into herself.
Rhayn is feeling the brunt of big-sisterhood lately. Gwennie wants to be wherever she is, and that means playtime has gotten harder. She gets frustrated easily, and yells at her sister. I think that I yell too much. I hate that about myself. I get frustrated too easily, also.
1 comment:
It's not so much grand kidded out as just plain out. Out of time, out of energy, out of....well you name it. I am glad that we got to spend some time together. We'll have to do it more often.
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