Last night, I went out with Hairball and her friend. We had a great time, my cheeks hurt from laughing, which I totally needed. I will admit, I stayed out about an hour or so longer than I meant to, getting home close to 10:30. So Will had been home with the girls all night. He made dinner, and played and did daddy stuff.
I walk in, he is asleep on the couch, with Rhayn (who is not asleep) watching X3, the third installment of the X-Men movies. Yeah, I was a little mad, Rhayn should have been in bed HOURS, seriously HOURS ago. She usually goes to bed at 7. So we send her to bed, and Will tells me that Gwennie needs to be weaned. She had cried for 2 hours, and refused to relax and go to sleep. So he feels that along with a few other things mean that she is totally ready to be all done with Mama Milk.

The answer for me now is NO.
At twelve months, I was determined to take Rhayn off the bottle. I was so paranoid that she would be four and still carrying that thing (filled with milk) everywhere, unable to sleep or survive without it. I fought with her for weeks, trying to get her to sleep without it. I tried filling it with water, and telling her that was all she was getting, but it wasn't good enough. I fought HARD, and still she had her bottle until she was nearly two (only to fall asleep, and she slept through the night without it, it was only the bedtime formula.) Will told me that mama's nurse their babies way past that point, and it didn't hurt them, so why was I so worried about it?
Now we are in opposite positions, I am not giving it up, I want her to self wean, he wants me to stop. I admit it would be nice to have a tiny bit more freedom. But really this is such a short time in our life, and I refuse to give up our snuggle time, our nursing, loving, sweet hugging time.
While doing some online research I found this website it has some great reasons to continue breastfeeding past the first year. I think that if Will brings it up again, I will send him that link.
Honestly I think that if you and her are not ready then you shouldnt wean her. I had a really hard time when I quit Nursing Katie after 1 month and wished that I had waited til she was ready and I was ready instead of being pressured by other people so they could help watch her.
Jeanette! HEY! Great to *see* you here!
AH, yeah- there are times when I feel like Gwennie only wants me for milk, but also, Jill was able ot nurse Jules, so she had the experience before, and if weaning worked well for her, then GREAT! its just not something I am ready for.
Purplelurple- you should never let someone else talk you into something if you are no 100% into it! I love ya! Maybe you'll have another bundle sometime and you can nurse him/her longer! You know I will help support you! Happy Wedding Day!
When Crispin would maul me whenever I sat down, I would tell him jokingly, "can't we just cuddle?" No, he was all about "using me" for my milk product.
If this girl is anything like her big brother, you better believe she will be weaned sooner than him. If she's like her big big brother, Jack then we can nurse forever. We shall see...
in the big picture of life, what is a couple years of nursing?seriously. eamon in 27 months and nursing. sarah was 3 1/2 years when finally done (and I stopped that one). its between mama and baby, i say. if it igets to the point where you feel like you are DONE and to sit and nurse makes you want to claw your eyes out: stop.
its a 2partner dance. you know your own rythm (and hers) best, yk? and gosh, she's still just a baby!
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