Little Witches

Riding the broomstick swing. (Playing witch.)

Then the sprinklers came on.

It was great fun.

Another week is quickly slipping by and although I have had lots to say I haven't really had time to sit down and type it out. Plus, that whole "looking on the bright side of life" thing has made me want to complain less.

Also the weather had been so beautiful this week, after last weekend's temperature of 96 we have been in the low 70s. I have been trying to enjoy that, before the onslaught of sweat inducing 100 plus degrees that will be here in the next month.

This picture if from a few weeks ago. Often Rhayn will hang out on the fence that connects us to the northern neighbors, they have kids that Rhayn is friends with. This day she was pretending to be a cat, and helped Gwennie get up there, too. (Notice the blue string hanging from Rhayn's waist? Its her tail.)


lvh said...

How fun and look how big your tree is getting. I love planting trees then driving by houses I lived in years before to see how they've grown.

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Looks like they are having a blast! I'm glad to hear that you've been having some fun too. :)

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