Today the girls and I attended a "Family Reintegration Seminar" hosted by the National Guard for 2 of the units who will be coming home late this summer or early fall. There was so much information thrown at us in a five hour period along with some other stuff that went down in my life today, that I need to process it. That means I will free write about it in my journal. After which I will coherently write it down here. I have so many thoughts about today, that I honestly wouldn't know where to begin.

Oh, and I finally heard from Will. He is ok, but has been ill and on bed rest. Thankfully he says he is better, but really? that makes me feel worse for being upset with him the past week.

I also have a lovely sunburn, which matches the pink I had dyed my hair a few days ago. My burn is only on one side. Really, I almost want to post a picture of it, because it looks so funny. It was well worth the time spent talking with a friend, though. I felt so relaxed after that. (Even though I was burned!)

Tonight is rest night and I am off to read a book. I finished Pride and Prejudice finally and am now allowed to read a less classic book. I think this one classic, one non-classic book read routine will work well.

1 comment:

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Wow.. Sounds like a heck of a day... I hope everything is okay. I'm glad you heard from Will.. I did the same thing often... Was mad at him for not hearing from him, but then found out that it was for a good reason...

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