She just needs a friend.

We have had Blue for a week now, and I don't want to give him back just yet. Lily is in heaven with him by her side. They have even started sleeping next to each other. Both are sleeping through the night again. I don't feel so badly when I have to leave them both here all day without me. When its just Lily, I feel bad that she is alone in the backyard all day. But they seem to wear each other out.

Come on, aren't they cute on the bed together?

I do think that if we get another dog, I want a smaller one, one with smaller poop. Because Blue? His craps are ginormous!


tif-do said...

Pets need buddies too! Thats very cute!

bodaat said...

very cute!! i wish taz and shila would sleep together. :)

Anonymous said...

What a great and cute picture, and Blue really is so, well blue!!!! Our chocolate lab Cocoa also produces HUGE poops, like a horse really.

Sara said...

My two dogs get along great and make dog ownership much easier - except when they get in barking competitions. Blue is a cutie.

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