Riding the Light Rail

We rode the light rail last weekend. Here are some highlights of it. Gwennie was hot, as you can imagine it was warm that day. Both girls were very excited about getting on. However once we started going it lost almost all of its appeal.

Gwennie waiting patiently for the "train".

Riding the train and really tired. She fell asleep on me shortly after this picture was taken.

Pretty much done, and ready to get off.


lvh said...

lol - I can totally understand that feeling. When I was in Denver last year, a co-worker and I rode the lightrail to one out of the outer areas to have dinner (mainly just cause we'd never been on it). 45 minutes later, I was really glad to get off that thing.

Joxer's Human said...

Really?? I LOVE the rail and can't wait until they extend it closer to my house.. Our rail stops near all the best places; the airport, the zoo, Ikea, the Portland market..

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