Dearest Gwennie Bug,
You are now thirteen months old. Such a big, BIG girl! It amazes me how neat you have become as your personality really develops.
Suddenly you are “too big” to be carried all of the time. It is sad sometimes, so much easier to have you in a sling when we go shopping, but you scream and try to fling yourself to the floor so you may walk. I remember this stage so clearly with Rhay

This weekend was busy, your Uncle G’Ra
Sunday we went to the Mesa Southwest Museum. First we went out for vegetarian curry, though. Yum, yum. They have these dosas t>hat are delectable, with a potato mixture inside of a huge crepe. I gave you a taste and you made an awful face. There was something about the potato concoction that you did NOT like. I tried again towards the end of the meal, to see if maybe you had bitten a spicy spot or something like that, but no. You shuddered and spit it out.

You have once again been sick. These neon green boogers dripping from your nostrils like slime strings. It has been fun. Last night while we were sleeping, you clung to me. I tried to roll away and your little hands just gripped me tighter. You pulled yourself onto my chest and I held you that way for a long time. Sometimes you remind me that you are still a baby, still just my little baby girl. And I know, you won’t be

I love you so very much,
Your Mama
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