Gwennie wasn't happy with me when I put this dress on her. Not because she has to be all dressed up, but because she thought that she was getting milk. Her pouty face is priceless, though! She is just about to cry. Rhayn and I picked out her dress, it says "Birthday Girl" on the front, and normally I don't go for super frilly, pretty dresses, but this one was an exception. Maybe its the cupcake on the front? Or maybe that the top is velvety? I don't know, I just like it.

Since it was a special day today, we decided to head out to the Botanical Garden. It just so happens that today was a special MEMBERS ONLY, preview for their Monarch butterfly exhibit. It was a neat exhibit, and Gwennie was enthralled by the butterflies. Usually the exhibit is filled with a lot of different kinds of butterflies, it was amazing to see all of the monarchs.

Last night daddy and Rhayn were playing rough, and somehow she hurt her foot. Will thought she was faking it. Then he told me that she was milking me because she was hoping around on one foot. Well, obviously she was hurt. Her poor toe looks AWFUL, added to her rash she just looks rough. Hopefully by Monday she will be all better and ready for school.
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