Baby Pictures

I never doubted that my children look more like my husband than they look like me. I just never had proof, as it was assumed that all of Will's baby pictures were either lost of in the care of his psychotic mother (whom we have no contact with.) Apparently, though his grandfather had some. Will's sister found them while Will's dad was visiting us a few months ago, and she scanned them and they sent them to us. It was so neat for him to see them, as he has never seen baby pictures of himself. But it was cool for me to see them because we now have proof, proof that their longish blond hair came from him. Proof that my children as almost clones of their daddy.

But most of all, proof that Rhayn's scowling expression, the one she was born with, is hereditary! If you didn't know, when Rhayn was born, the doctor put her on my stomach, and she SCOWLED at me. I looked down at my newly born babe, and wanted to cry! Not because I was totally in love or even happy, but because she looked JUST. LIKE. HER. DADDY. I could not see me in her at all, all I saw was the man that I was not with anymore, it was painful to look at her. I loved him, but we had a falling out of sorts, and were not happily together. He wasn't even at Rhayn's birth. (This was my choice, I thought it would be too hard to relax while he was in the room, it is the thing I will always regret, yup- my one regret, and its a doozy!)

Rhayn still looks more like someone else than me, its no longer Daddy, though, now its my mom.

Gwennie on the other hand, is probably going to continue to look like "mini-Will 2.0" since Rhayn was the "beta." So does that mean if we had another, he/she would be a total clone of Will? I wonder... maybe we have a little "clone-of-me" boy? I can only hope, right? One with brown eyes?

At least Will and Rhayn have pretty green eyes, we'll see if Gwennie's turn green, too. As for now they are blue.


tif-do said...

Wow that older baby picture of Will looks so much like Gwen, so cute. But I understand where you come from I would be pretty sad if my kids didn't resemble me a little.

abeNanna said...

I am glad you have some pictures of baby Will, that is so great.

If you would have just listened told you she looked just like me. LOL

purplelurple said...

The are still so cute and she doesnt only look like your mom she looks like Bethy too cause she also looks like your mom,lol.

Lil said...

Alas Monkey-Moo looks like my Babe...but I ain't having another one to see if s/he looks like me...I like my sanity level just fine!

Lillithmother :-)

Pen-nut said...

My boys both look exactly like their dad. And of course the only resemblence with my girls is in the summer when I have a tan and then my Minnie says we have the same color. LOL

lvh said...

Hurray - I cannot imagine what life would be like without having some pictures to know what you looked like when you were little. So glad that you finally got some of Will. A couple of years ago, one of John's cousins (on his birth mother's side) called and wanted our address because she had a photograph of pictures when J was little. Apparently her Mom was keeping it for J and just never got it to him. Now if we could only find out who really has his baby book so we could get that from them we would have a better knowledge of the first few years of his life.

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