Today I awoke with another of THOSE headaches. I got up, tried to drink coffee, ate a peice of toast and fell asleep on the couch while Rhayn watched Gwennie for a half hour (then Gwennie climbed onto the couch, nursed and slept with me for another hour.)

We had to go to Rhayn's school this morning- well we didn't HAVE to. But it was a meet the teacher type thing. I want to be as involved as I can. She has a man teacher. Which is fine by me, but she was a little disappointed in that. I don't know why, and I am sure that in time she will grow to love him. She connects with women better, probably because she is home with me all of the time. I am not sure if that is true, but it seems to be.

I am so excited about her school, J (her teacher) told me that onWednesday they have a craft group at the school CRAFTS! YIIPPPEEE!!! He said that they will be making those dolls I was talking about. That makes me totally happy, and if my head weren't pounding I would be singing about it.

I noticed that Gwennie will be getting her top right tooth soon. Its swollen and just a tiny bit of white is showing. Makes me a little sad. I love her two toothed smile, its so cute, and those top teeth are so ugly.

We get to pick Will up at the airport today. I am so glad. My two weeks are up and I am really ready for him to be home. Rhayn is having a hard time, because his flight doesn't get in until almost 8, we still have hours togo. She has been ready for a week to pick him up.


Well now its nearly time to go pick Will up. I am excited and SOOOO ready. Rhayn is antsy. She wants to go get him now, but I can't imagine sitting at the airport for almost 2 hours (his flight gets in at 19:50.)

After I posted earlier, I took yet another nap. Gwennie had fallen asleep on me while I was typing and I went downstairs. We let Rhayn watch Narnia while I sort of dozed off and on. It felt nice, and my head feels a ton better. Lets just hope that since Will is home I will be feeling better and not have any more of these headaches. They do seem manageable. If I just rest and drink a lot of water and take some ibuprofen they seem to lessen enough that I don't feel like I will vomit. I have had about five or six of them this past two weeks and that for me is a lot. I kept expecting my period to make its long overdue appearance, because sometimes that is the cause of them. Since I am still not on it, I will be glad. I am 100% a-ok with it staying far away from me!

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