In Honor of...

In honor of many things.

This month is Breastfeeding Awareness Month.
Rhayn started school and they talk about fairies often, or at least it seems that is a reoccuring theme to their play.
Because Hairball made me want to draw!
And finally, because I felt like it!

(Sorry its not so great, its been a while since I drew and I have never drawn a fairy before!, I used to be really good, maybe I should post some of those drawings, but this one made me happy.)


TLC said...

Very cool! You have some talent!

Mid-life Midwife said...

that is so nice! what a great concept: a lactating faery! like tinkerbell spreading her pixie dust, the lactating faery spreads little drops of milk like dew.
(which reminds me: did you know that's how the Milky Way got it's name? From Hercules being pushed off the breast and a spray of milk being shot into the heavens as he popped off the boob? i just read about this. so cool!)

Elise said...

Yeah for drawing! Is there nectar in her boobs? :)

leaner said...

Heck yeah! The NECTAR of the GODS! Maybe THAT is what the drops of DEW are? Fairy brastmilk? Makes it even MORE exciting.

Unknown said...

Oh this is wonderful....and doesn't it feel good to get pencil to paper and create!!!

We love Fairies in our household, as they are such a magical way to play and learn about life.

Sadly, my breastfeeding days are over, but I did manage to nurse four children for a total time of 13 years and 3 months! Just call my Bessie!!!

Happy Breastfeeding Awareness Month!!!

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