Pissed Off!

I went to get my hair TRIMMED right? Just a little, because it was looking a tiny shaggy, and I like getting it trimmed USUALLY. The dumb woman cut off 1/2 of my length. I am so mad that I feel like exploding AND everytime I look at my self I want to cry!

She also cut Rhayn's hair and it looks- um- ok. Not great. I just wish I had stayed home, and yes I KNOW it grows back, but when you ask for a trim that does NOT give the person the freedom to HACK 2 inches off of hair that is only 4 inches long!

Maybe it will look better if I rinse it and put a little pomade in it? I hope so because I really REALLY want to cry, this is the WORST haircut I have ever gotten.

******edited at 7 pm......The picture is of the back- its so freakin' short! I mean I have had my head shaved to 1/8 inch before, so its not that part that is shocking- its that the lady DID NOT TRIM, she gave me a hack job! I don't want to post a pic of the front, because it makes me want to cry to look at it. It looks like I have dog ears. Not sure what I am going to do about it... I miss my hair. Ok, its not letting me post a picture right now.... I'll do it later.


TLC said...

Ask me why I haven't been in for a trim lately! I'm so afraid of what they will do and how I will react to it. I don't want to wait till AFTER the baby then that will be a double whammy of feeling unlike myself if the haircut is bad. I'm not too thrilled w/ the cut from the last time but it's not too hard to work with. Clint took Slade a few weeks ago to get a cut and they came home pissed off, but I kept telling Slade to just go wash it and put a little mousse in it and see what he thinks and of course he was fine w/ it once it was "set." Clint was still mad because it didn't look anything like the picture they presented her and she said she couldn't do it like that because of his curls or something. I almost took him back that evening but wanted to see what he thought of it after it was set. So, hopefully you will like your hair once you do what you do to it. Good luck!

leaner said...

Nope- it still looks like piss. I am soo mad. I don't know what to do because I don't want to "fix" it myself....that could be even more disasterous. I will wait and see what Will says.

I am sure if you just went and said "I want a 1/2 in trim" you could get that...next time... if I can make myself go I will tell them how much I want cut off...

I am just unable to look at myself in the mirror right now without wanting to cry. She cut the back so short it looks retarded with the curls on the top. I'll post a pic of the horror later.

Mid-life Midwife said...

i'm so sorry! that's the worst feeling and i can nearly feel my own eyes get hot with tears (having been there myself before).
it'll just have to grow out a bit.
but you should really tell the woman how dissatisfied you are. call or even go back to her and say: What am I supposed to do with this?!

TLC said...

How's it working for you now? Did you figure out a way to make it manageable sans a baseball cap?

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