Green and White

Saturday night, after I came home, Will decided to try his hand at installing some recessed lighting in our kitchen. I have been telling him this was an upgrade I wanted since we moved in. We had 2 light fixtures in the kitchen, a fluorescent light that for some reason gathers bugs like there is no tomorrow and one that is supposed to hang over a dining table. The first day we were in this house I smacked my head on the hanging fixture (yes it left a sizable lump!) Plus, that light fixture is UGLY!

So Will ventured to install them, and (knock on wood) in 1 and a half hours the hanging light fixture was replaced by 4 recessed lights. It is amazing the difference in light they give off.

Our whole downstairs is covered by a light layer of drywall dust, even with cleaning and sweeping and all of that, the layer remains. We knew it would be like that, and he still has to remove afore mentioned bug trapper light, and install the 6 lights we are doing on that side. Oh but it is worth it, that dust for those lights. I am happy!

On other notes, my Bug is still ill. She is in fact crying at my leg right now. I am so exhausted from her fussing and crying all weekend. She just doesn't feel well. Her nose and eyes are still goopy and green. She just looks and feels wretched. Now it seems that Rhayn has gotten the virus, also. She was a fussy bratty pants yesterday. Its not the worst illness we have seen this year, but its still not fun. And I am pretty sure she picked it up at the mall last Monday when we let her play in the play area and also at Sears while we got portraits. Poor thing, I am just glad it seems Madder was spared (then again- she doesn't seem to get as sick as often as Bug... I wonder why?)

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