Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow

We decided, after a lot of discussion between Rhayn, Will and I, that Rhayn needed a drastic cut. She had wanted long hair, so we tried growing it out. One day she saw a picture we have of her hanging in the stairway. It is her at preschool. She walks into the bathroom looks at herself from a few different angles and states matter-of-factly, "Mom, I don't look like Rhayn any more." I think that happened a few weeks ago, but I was hanging on to her hair, like I hung on to mine. Her hair is so straight and fine there are no waves or curls or anything in it so it just lays there. It was finally long enough for pigtails and they were pretty cute, but she hates for me to fix it, so it never was pretty. Her hair is always in her face and her food. This way, at least its out of her food for the most part and its pretty cute, too.


abeNanna said...

Pretty weird how that last picture looks so much like Bethanie. See, I told you she looks like me.....

purplelurple said...

She looks so cute! Reminds me of Bethy though. They both look like ur mom and each other so much.

leaner said...

I know! Will always says she looks like her grandma, but hey mom you did want a kid to look like you! Now you have 2 granddaughters that look like you!
And when Rhayn was born I thought she looked JUST LIKE WILL. SHows how wrong I was there. Bug on the other hand- she looks like Will.

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