Ok, I admit I was watching news about Angelina's impending birth. I had read that she wanted a natural, water birth, so it interested me. Then I found this article on the BBC. I was reading along, and it says operating room, why? Because she had a cesarean section. WHY? Why do the actresses always have c-sections? Don't they know that natural (as in vaginal) is better? I mean seriously do they even care? It is no wonder that in the US the rate of cesarean is raising to one third of births. Its no wonder we all have such a jaded view of VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean.) Britney Spears "told Elle magazine that she wants a cesarean section because she doesn't want to go through pain." according to this article. (And she did have one.)

In Arizona right now, we at the Arizona Birth Network are writing letters to letthose in charge know that we want a change in Arizona. Right now, as it stands if you have had a cesarean section, even after a VBAC you can not have a homebirth with a midwife. You CAN IF you have a doctor in attendance. (There is a naturopath who does, but she is swamped and not taking on anyone unless they are previous clients.) Many hospitals here do not even allow them, they may say "OH we are VBAC friendly." But when it comes down to birth day, they find reasons to subject the birthing mama to yet another cesarean section. It is disgusting. We say we have come so far, yet we haven't. We consider this type of birthing to be the "MODERN WAY." Yet it puts our babies at risk. Instead of allowing them to come slowly, naturally, we force them out weeks ahead of schedule through a slit in the abdomen. Its sad.

Once again Hathor, the Cowgoddess has put it best!

1 comment:

leaner said...

Bug was breech, and instead of having a c-sectgion, I tried EVERYTHING in my power to avoid it! I think that people give up much to easily....
ok, mishmosh5, who are you? *grin* I am supremely curious!

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