It has been three years. I can hardly believe that it's been three years. It has been a long ride, a long trip through bumpy lands. It has been a little bit of pain, a little bit of lust, a little bit of forgiveness, a little bit of forgetting, a bit of fun and a whole lot of love. Every day is fresh, waking up next to someone that I love this much.
Three years, I never even thought we would make it here.
We had a rocky start, with a miscarriage, and emotional pain from that. We became engaged a little too quickly maybe. Maybe I didn'’t fully heal from the pregnancy loss before we became pregnant again. Emotions ran wild and I was unable to accept your love, even though you offered it so freely. Mistakes were made, things were said that shouldn'’t have been said. Much pain. Forgiveness, hard work, and love. The main most important part of all of it is the love.
Its been 6 years since we met, 6 tumultuous years. This morning as we woke up, and I looked at you, I forget how long it has been, and for a second it feels like that first morning waking up next to you. It feels like home at the same time. I know that in your arms is where I belong.
I wanted to write something profound for my anniversary, something that I would be proud to say "Hey, I wrote that"” about. In my mind there were words to put down, words that expressed exactly how I felt and how I wanted others to feel as they read them. Unfortunately without the gift of words that some people have… my words just seem flat. As long as I keep writing, I feel myself getting better, I feel myself thinking of better ways to convey the messages I most want to communicate. Most of all, I enjoy writing.
Will bought me this GPS! WHOO HOOO! I can finally geocache without my mama! YEAH! I am so excited! We can be cachers now! Yippee!! So far with my mom I have found like 15 caches, now I can make it to the hundreds, like them! They are at like 400+. Someday! Someday!
I bought Will this charcoal grill, because he said he wanted to try one before we replace his current propane grill (which is looking pretty sad after the microburst that totally smashed it into the block wall in our backyard 2 summers ago, its just never quite been the same!)
Congratulations on making it to #3!! While I've not gotten the chance to really get to know Will, I can tell by your blog how fortunate the two of you are to have each other. May your future hold as much love as today does... And I, for one, must say that over time there has been a great improvement in your writing. Perhaps from your side of the computer it's just a little hard to see that.
Alao, that is exactly the same GPS I have.. Happy caching..
From 3 to 30, my how the time will fly. Congratulations, you both seem willing to work at it and work with each other. That is what really matter isn't it?
I remember when Abenanna celebrated her 15th, and I had only been married a few years, it seemed like 15 would be forever, now we've been married 20 and it seems like just yesterday. But yet, it seems like we've never been apart.
Last night as I was sitting watching tv and saw the date 2/22 splash across the screen, I remembered it was your anniversary and thought to myself, "How rude of me to have not remembered earlier when I was sending you an e-mail asking for Hairball's phone number?" Congratulations and I hope to be around to celebrate your golden wedding anniversary in just 47 short years.
CONGRATULATIONS! It's been such a treat being w/ you on this journey. I can't believe 6 years have passed since the beginning! Here's to many more glorious years for you and Will. {{hugs}}
Thanks everyone, it was a nice day, Will took it off and we just spent time together, the whole family. Every now and then that is exactly what we need!
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