This morning has proven productive and also exhausting.

I caught Will and Bug's cold. So now I am feeling under the weather, but I had to finish painting and put our guest room back together, I just could not rest until it was done. So through the dripping nose and watering eyes I painted. Now I should be laying down and taking a nap while Bug is- and I will in just one more minute.

I think I am happy with how the guest room came out, it will be nice to actually have a painted room to offer those we love. Before it felt like our guest room was an afterthought- and it was. We didn't have time to give it any sort of love or personality. Now it feel a little more warm and inviting (so much so that I think I should take my nap in there! LOL)

Now I am off to lay down and rest while Rhayn watches a movie- and for all of you out there-
if you ever want to come visit- we TOTALLY have a GREAT guest room! So feel free to come by!


Briep said...

me and Scotty might go to the Zoo monday! I hope to see you Saturday!

TLC said...

An open invitation...hmm? You might just get us on your door step. We are really missing the familia here!

leaner said...

yup- an open invite! COME ON OVER!

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