Another day another dollar. I ordered photo cards online (from Walmart- now normally I would be totally AGAINST that evil establishment- but... I found a card I really liked there.) I should get them tomorrow and can have them out by Thursday (yeah right!) Hopefully I ordered enough!
This picture is NOT one used for the cards, in fact they are in different outfits, because it took me 2 days to get one that I liked and the better one actually came from the first try. Rhayn is trying to make Bug smile. Will calls Bug "Poppin' Fresh" whenever I put that hat on her, but she sort of looks like a girl in it, right? (It has a bow and little pink, yellow, and blue flowers all over it!)
Really don't have a lot to say right now, I am sure that I will later, but I want to get dressed and see if a certain hairball is around today. I would like to have some hang out time today! Maybe jet over to the ZOO. But we'll see. Rhayn was acting a little ill, so we may need to stay home. (which we have... grrrr I wanted out of the house!)
*Added at 1:50 pm*
I was just reading one of my favorite blogs Dooce, when I read this entry. Man, have I felt that feeling a few times. I know that when and if I curse those words WILL be reapeated, and if Rhayn ever uses them against me... oh man. Once she told me that daddy says "shit" and mommy says "crap." Aren't you all impressed? Daddy curses- mostly at the computer and mostly while gaming or programming. I curse under my breath and hope that she doesn't hear it.
I can only imagine what it will be like to have 2 little sponges soaking up all of my bad habits. Two nail-biters- joy. I hate being a nail biter. I want to stop, but I can't. I have during both of my pregnancies, but afterwards it starts up again. With Rhayn I blamed her cleft palate as the jump starter of bad habit. With Bug it was her being breech, I sat their nibbling away at the stubs of nails I have left and worried about her birth, and whether we'd get her head down AND if she'd stay that way.
What is my excuse now? Well my nails look like crap and half the time I don't even notice that my fingers are in my mouth, nice, huh?
I am lonely! I want to be anywhere but here right now. I can't wait until Will gets home, but its a late night as he is going out with friends after work. Rhayn seems to be feeling better, maybe we can venture to JoAnns for something I want to make as a present for someone... but we'll see. Cross your fingers that Rhayn will not puke if we leave the house!
If you don't think you ordered enough - then you probably didn't. I go through this every year and most of the time I don't get the cards sent out because I've exasperated myself w/ the thought of not having enough. This year we sent out 50 and it still wasn't enough (which I knew, but didn't want it to stop me) I ended up sending about 20+ through email. Lame - I know but I saved myself a few bucks! CUTE PHOTO!!! So precious! If you feel bad about shopping walmart this will cheer you up - I bought jack NIKE shoes *gasp* I figured the shoes I bought slade were probably made in jamaica by some 5 year old kid, who got paid .50 cents that week but we don't know about it because it wasn't a big brand like NIKE. Jack LOVES the darn shoes and they were a steal of a price - so I just told him to say thanks to the little kid that made them for him and slade will too. I haven't read DOOCE in a LONG time. She's funny as heck, one of the funniest writers i have come across. Can you imagine what she would be like to hang out w/? I have a neighbor that looks exactly like her and for a moment I thought it could be her good twin - BYU wearing and BofM reading twin. okay, crispin is really trying to get between me and the computer
LOL, I think I did order enough (Whew!) Because I did the address labels and the ones I normally send to are just under 30, so I should be fine.
I would SOOO love to hang out with dooce. I just wish I could find a few dooces around here. Still struggling to find a mama friend. I have even been checking mama's out at the grocery store and Starbucks (I feel like a man on the hunt- and I totally have a post to write about that! Just haven't have time!)
I always want to get out. Yesturday i did for visiting teaching and then enrichment night were two ladie ended up singing "oh santa bishop" to the bishop while dancing around him. I have one more thing left of school and then I will be done for this semester! WOOHOOO! Maybe I will come see you!!
Sister Louis Williams is my companion and I have sister nui to teach and two others I do not think you know.
I met one of my best friends at a museum. It was serendipity! I wish you luck in the mama hunt - they are out there. Maybe you could post something at your local library or natural food store - A friend of mine did that and she was total vegan and all that stuff and she found a nice group of girls to hang out with that shared the same interest. Jack was too old for us to go and hang out, but I did go to the bigger events she held. Good luck and I can't wait to read your post on it!
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