Its not fair- even when she looks silly- my sister takes GREAT pictures! (See isn't she pretty?!) I used to do that... now I only see flaws- is this part of getting old? Does disliking having my pic taken mean I am old? (and what is up with the LACK of BUTT In my pants? Huh?)
At least it was a little more like Christmas, bundled up and cold. Just wish the dads could have been there. Rhaynnon was excited to see the lights as she remembered being there last year. That is neat, guess we are working on a tradition....
That's a good thing - traditions need to grow and change as needed. I remember the year I talked John into going to see the lights at the Salt Lake Temple. It was snowing so hard and was so cold but also so absolutely beautiful. I miss family christmas parties at mom's in Chandler where we could all go to see the lights. Glad it's cooling off down there.
Its hard, I want to keep my traditions intact, but Will has some of his own. We have to merge a few things.
And I want to spend each and every holiday with MI FAMILIA! But we have to share some time. (We go to his family for New Years this year.)
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