Thanksgiving at my house was another fun day. We played Balderdash, and learned new words like Pokeloken, and Zygoma. We heard of a movie called Homebodies (not about midgets!) and What happened on dates. As well as what the initials FERS stand for! What a fun game (and I must say one I am HORRIBLE at, but its fun none-the-less!)
Gramma didn't come, because she wasn't feeling well. All day it felt like someone was missing, although we will get to see her on Saturday when we go visit LVH, who I haven't seen in a while!
I really missed Gramma, though.
We were also missing Garrett (who called) and Andrew (also called) so it was like everyone was there. I talked to Andrew for a while, he is at Fort Drum, NY. He was being snowed on and was freezing while he talked to me. I miss him, and whenever I look at Gwen I see a little of him (the nose.) Garrett, well we were so close growing up and I feel like he and I could be good friends still if he lived closer. I also really like his lady-friend Jody! She is the best and has given us an awesome 7 year old neice, Bethany! Ah how our family grows!

Last year when I found out I was pregnant, I went to babiesRus and found this really cute Christmas outfit, its 0-3 months, and has reindeer feet! But alas the magnitude of rolls and growth of my sweet bug have made it BARELY fit now! So it will probably not fit her by Christmas. Luckily my SIL gave me 2 of this other outfit and I have given one to dacheese for Madder. So They will be matching cuties! I love matching babies! (and big sisters!)
Rhayn has been making me laugh, with her use of the word actually, and though. "Ash-uh-lee Mom, its my rock!" "You told me I could, doh!" Its hilarious to hear her using words, using them properly! And nary and "Ain't" to be heard! Yeah! (Actually, that means that we don't use the word "ain't" but its still makes me happy!)

Thanks for that last picture it was beautiful! Yeah for shopping days. i think that we had a good time. My baby was poopy and full of pee when we got home. happy hollidays.
What a fun Thanksgiving. Holidays always make me think of my family and want to be with them. Enjoy having your mom close enough to go shopping, I miss little things like that.
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