Magicians and Clean Houses

After a long weekend of sickies at our house, everyone seems to be on the mend. Thank goodness, because I am tired of picking up Will's used tissues. He is pretty good about getting them to the trash, but I just don't want to pick up a single one!

I am also tired of him being home! Seriously, I love that man, but when he is home for more than a few days and we don't leave the house at all, he really starts to get on my nerves. I think its partially because no matter how sick I am, I still have to get up and make food for myself and Rhayn. He still expects me to make dinner (which is my fault, because I have gotten into the habit of it being done when he gets home from work.) He watches shows that are inappropriate in my eyes for a 4 year old to watch. I don't like explaining to her why that man killed that other man. She is only 4 and shouldn't have to watch war movies or shows about war. I just don't think its right- she should be watching Sesame Street and nothing else (ok- admittedly she watches quite a bit of "hanging out" otherwise known as "That 70's Show" she loves the theme song, but no death and destruction and she doesn't "get" the drug references yet! I hope!)

When Will left for work this morning, I was actually glad. It means I can watch what I want and I can nap on the couch if I so desire, but most of all, it means I can clean the house!

On Saturday, Harry Potter came out, the 6th book. I expected to read it in a few months, when we got around to buying it or borrowing it from the library. But that great husband of mine, decided to surprise me. He ordered it from Amazon.com, because they guaranteed delivery by Saturday. We didn't get it until Monday. It was because Amazon said it would be shipped UPS, so Will was watching out for that. It turns out Amazon shipped it UPS to the post office and THEY delivered it Saturday- to our mailbox. A good way to guarantee arrival. Only because they didn't state that clearly, Will raised a ruckus. We ended up being reimbursed for the book, he only paid shipping. So we got the new Harry Potter book for $3! WHOO HOO!!! I think that is extremely exciting, and I am only 100 pages into it, but its already sitting there looking at me today, saying "You KNOW you want to read me! READ. ME." Ugh, I am sure I will get in a few chapters later on today!

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