
Tomorrow is our anniversary. For 8 years, we've been married. Not all of it has been easy. In fact we've had some really rough times (who hasn't?). I know that we still have many more rough roads to travel. Our family is expanding and our daughters are growing up. Soon we will have a child who is a decade old the teen years are close at hand. This year has been a tough one, with a pregnancy that has left me feeling sick a lot of the time, and a business that you are working really hard to get going. You joined an Army reserve unit that isn't in this state and the travel has been hard. We have so much on our plate but most of it is ours together and that makes it easier to deal with. But through it all, even when its bad, I know I want to be here in this family. I know that I want to continue growing together. And I am looking forward to the next part of our life together.

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