Summer Homeschool

Its nearly summer, or rather school is almost out. Today is the last full day of school, then there are 2 half days and I will officially have a fourth grader. Gasp. I know I have written about all of this before. But its my blog and I want to write about it again...

I have been thinking of what to do this summer and I plan to try my hand at some basic homeschooling. Nothing too difficult. In fact I am thinking it will most likely take an hour or two every morning (or evening depending on the other things we plan to do.)

Rhayn has had trouble reading, but this year she was in the "reading group" and she loved it. Also her reading ability has soared over the past six months. I don't want her to lose that over the summer. As you all know, I love making lists. So I have started a list of things she will have to do. I want her to work on her handwriting (penmanship).

So far my list consists of these things: chores, writing, math, reading, play. I have a white board that I want to use to put her work on. For example reading practice will be twenty minutes or two pages (in a chapter book) every day. That shouldn't be hard, nor will it take that long. We may have a couple of sight words she needs to practice, you know those words that are nearly impossible to sound out. For math, I want to get a work book. I think we may have one. I know we have a spelling one. For penmanship she will get to practice cursive. She loves it, so it should be fun.

I have also considered if she were to go to Grandma's house for a week. She can take her packet of homework and do it there. Easy peasy. Right?

I've also thought of having rewards for doing her work, movies, swimming, going to sunplash, having a cousin come stay the night, etc.

If Gwennie wants to get in on the action we can work on letters. She may. She loves to write words, especially her name. She also loves to draw pictures. We'll see how all of this works out. Especially if I were to fall pregnant soon. Because I know how much I sleep during the first trimester. Hopefully I can get all of this in gear and that will make it simple to keep going.

I think I plan stuff like this every year. Last year we did camps, but this summer I'm not signing the girls up for any. Rhayn has a ballet performance in mid July (I think) and after that she may not be taking ballet anymore. I don't know how she will feel about that. I'm a little sad. I know she enjoys it. There may be a jazz/ballet class she could take, but I don't know if she will want to. I just have to wait and see where this summer takes us.


Amie said...

sounds like a great idea!

Briep said...

If you find anything fun about how to teach letters let me know. P.S. you are not putting Gwennie in School in Aug are you?

Kate said...

I would love to hear what lessons you have planned for Gwennie. I need to do something with Chloe too but I'm such a bad teacher and lack creativity in that arena.

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Sounds great! I really want to work with Leala on her stuff too... she's still very young, but knows a lot and I want to continue encouraging that... I really want to find a list of things that a child her age should know and someone a little older... and what they should know before kinder... hmmm...

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