Gratitude Day 1

Another November has entered our lives. I am once again going to focus on things I am grateful for.

Today I am grateful for my friends. Well, actually yesterday I was grateful for friends. You see, Rhayn got sick in the night on Sunday, and so Monday morning (Halloween) she was not going to school. And Natalie's rash (all over her body) had not subsided. I decided I would leave a sick 10 1/2 year old at home with a puke bowl, phone numbers for all of the people I could think of, and a lot of Harry Potter on the television while I took Gwennie to school and then Natalie to the doctor.

At school I ran into my friend, A, who offered to go sit with sicky while I was out.

I know Rhayn would have been fine at home alone. She often stays home alone, but she wasn't feeling well. And having A come over gave me peace of mind.

It turned out that Natalie was going to be fine and everything was honky dory.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

more people should say honey dorey. I think you should take the lead in this resurgence.

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