
Weather for This Sunny Place, AZ

69°F | °C
Scattered ShowersSunnySunnySunny

Wind: W at 16 mph

Humidity: 53%79°59°77°59°83°63°90°66°

This is our forecast. This is the reason that even though I slept fitfully all night, I am so very happy. I have windows open. I left the window in my room open all. night. And it felt good.

All night my brain was on over drive. Tomorrow we are going to visit Will for the first time. The girls and I haven't seen the place we may very well be moving. I invited Gwennie's entire class to the park after school to celebrate her birthday. We're having that next Wednesday and I feel a little anxious about it. I know it will turn out fine, I just need to buy a cake (Costco, whoo hoo!) and get small plates. It should be fun for the kids and I look forward to seeing some of the parents.

Last night I dreamed that Gwennie's teacher Ms. H told me that she was ready for 1st grade and would be moved into the 1st grade class next week. In my dream I was so happy that she was ready but mad because she wouldn't get the full Kindergarten experience. I was so torn.

I think this is because yesterday I had parent/teacher conferences with both girls' teachers. Gwennie is the 4th oldest in her class. But that is really an whole other post.

And for now, I need to go wake up the girls and get this beautiful day started.

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