Do you ever feel like your day didn't matter? Like you are sitting there and around you everyone wants to dump their day, their opinion, their ideas on you, but they don't seem interested in yours. They talk more loudly and more quickly than you, and your words get lost, or seem unimportant by the end of it all.

I have felt like this all week. Felt totally like a dumping ground for everyone else, while what I have to say seems to be ignored.

And its getting to me.


Everyday Mom Designs said...

Aww hun... i'm sorry... i know how you feel though.... hang in there.. email me if you want..

homeslice said...

yeah, i get that. i totally get it. my favorite phrase: "sometimes talking other things takes your mind off your sorrow." and if that doesn't shut them up, just flat out say, "Hi, I'm here! Can we talk about something that's going on with me?" and wave your hand frantically in front of their face.

Briep said...

I had that problem in high school a lot. I still seem to suffer from it. I am sorry I know how you feel and I am here if you need to talk. If I wasnt afraid my car would break down I would come see you.

bodaat said...

well i sometimes have friends that are like that. it's more so their problem though, not mine. some people are just really self-centered. i still love them dearly but i know what to expect when i talk to them.

Amie said...

I'm listening to ya! Whatcha wanna say? :)

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