Bloggiversary Time

As of Monday I will have been spreading bloggy love for a full five years. That seems insane to me. But then again, Gwennie just turned four and I was blogging before she was conceived.

Does anyone had a suggestion on a way to celebrate the momentous occasion? Should I do a giveaway? If so, what should I give away? What is something that you could use? I meant to get to this sooner, but sinus pressure and life have kept me busy.

1 comment:

meli said...

Ooooooh... I vote a bloggiversary video! A video!!

If you want to do a give away, perhaps one of your favorite books? Write a little inscription in it to make it a bit more personal?

Or, oh oh, do a... well, a short discriptive name is escaping me right now, so I'll just explain what I'm thinking, lol ... You could send something (like a small wooden chest, etc) to one of your readers, who will then decide how they would like to "honor" it. By either some art work directly on the chest, a written poem inside the chest, a print out of one of your posts that touched them in some way, a meaningful trinket or book (nothing bought, something they already owned) put inside, or somehow attached. When they finish adding their contribution (or several, haa), they'll send it to the next person ... on and on, until it evetually gets back to you. A lovely little momento of love shared from the blog world. A sweet, wonderful way to celebrate 5 years. Maybe something like that?

Alright, that was a damn good idea ... I'm tapped! LOL!

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