Me= Unreliable, Bad Friend, Spazzoid

I am so scatterbrained it has cost me a friendship.

Seriously. I think being on one hundred percent of the time for the past year made me lose it recently. I can't keep anything straight. If I don't make a list of what I need to do, it won't happen. Even if its on a list there is no guarantee that I will get it done. I am late for everything (which makes me crazy). I feel like a zombie.

Of course, this cold is not helping me at all. Today I got the oil changed in our car (only because Will reminded me over and over, and asked me this morning if I was going to do it.) My head feels like a huge bubble. Hopefully when this cold is gone I will be myself again. But I doubt it. I keep thinking of things I need to do, but honestly making myself do anything right now is a challenge. I need some incentive, or a swift kick in the pants.


Elise said...

I'll kick you if you kick me!! Is there a place where we can go for one week where everything yucky goes away and we can regain our strength cause this is really wearing my down. How come life suddenly got so hard?

Anonymous said...

I had my oil changed today too! I hope you feel better!

leaner said...

hairball, I wish. Maybe we really need to take that road trip we kept talking about. I wish we had the money and time to really do it...

abeNanna said...

We all reach that point, no one can be up all the time. It is time now to step back and just let yourself relax a little. love ya.

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