Dead Ant Dead Ant

It is barely 4:30 pm. Why does it feel so late? I am ready to have dinner, sit on the couch and watch tv. Not like I haven't been watching tv all day, because yesterday MTV had an America's Next Top Model-athon and I set up Tivo to record it. I hadn't watched season 6 in its entirety so it was new to me. But I think it has given me malaise. (If that is the correct word.) Maybe it is because I am old, and we get up at the butt-crack of dawn that makes me so tired by 5 pm.

Our house looks like a scene from a b-horror flick, b for bug. As in dead bugs, everywhere. Dead crickets in ever corner. And the grossest part? We had seen a few cockroaches, ok, I'll admit it. But there are so many DEAD ones laying around outside of our house it disgusts me. I walk around cleaning the carnage up every morning, and evening. I did not know there were so many creepy crawlies and jumpies at our house! Hopefully the amount of dead ones tapers off a little. I haven't seen any more ants in the house, and that is a big plus!

Last night I picked my parents and brother JVA and SLA up at the airport. They took Big Ol' Blue home. You have never seen a sadder dog than Lily today. I know dogs live in the moment, but she remembers him, and she is quite lonely.

I have been able to clean up some of the things that Big Boy Blue chewed up. Surprisingly I miss him. Especially the way he looked when he wanted to come inside. He would jump up on the back door and his front paws would spread, and I SWEAR I heard a lisp in his bark, he looked so fruity. But then, not to be emasculated, he would jump on Lily and hump her.

He also drank so much water! I was amazed, he would come inside and slurp up everything in the dish and the toilet. His thirst was not to be sated! Lily will drink just a small portion of the water he drank. Maybe it is because he is such a luscious blue-black color? Maybe it is because he is so darn big?


Joxer's Human said...

Alex sometimes humps on dogs at the dog park. It's usually a bigger, male black dog and it's sooo embarassing! Not sure why she thinks she has to do that.. Wonder if she'll hump on Blue if she ever sees him... But I'm glad that Alex has never gotten into that toilet bowl habit. It stays closed around here.. Drinking out of the toilet bowl is soo gross. And, I'm actually surprised he's not dead from drinking the blue toilet water. Doesn't that stuff usually say to not even touch it with your hands when you're putting it in the tank????

D said...

you've been tagged.

leaner said...

LOL, Alex's Human, No blue in my toilet water. Its regular water.

Usually the toilet is closed, but with Gwennie thinking she wanted to potty train, it was left open and has a smaller seat attached to it for easy access. Lily is not a toilet drinker either, it totally grosses me out. Will thinks it is ok. His cat used to drink out of it, too. She would balance on the seat to do so. Having fresh water for her she finally stopped.

Joxer's Human said...

Oh, so it's the potty training thing that is the blue in that photo.. Glad to hear that. The picture is deceptive.... I was beginning to think that the combination of bug killer fumes and heat had made you silly...

And Will is wrong.. Especially when dogs drink the toilet water and then come and give you smooches!! EWWWWW...

leaner said...

Yes, the heat does make me silly...

You know what is MORE disgusting than toilet water? A dog eating PEOPLE poop. And our dog has had her share of it.

I guess that photo is confusing looking, and it doesn't do justice to how silly he really looked drinking out of the toilet like that.

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