Dear Gwennie Buggie,
You are fifteen months old. We have had an enjoyed your lovely baby fat for fifteen whole months.

This month you have really started talking more. There are words hidden in your baby babble. Every now and again you say something that actually makes sense. The one word you have totally mastered is “no.” That does not bring me joy. In fact I wish you never had to hear “no” so you wouldn’t tell me, so defiantly “NO” when I try to pick you up and you do not want to be held, or “No” when I put you in the car. You have gotten a lot better in the car, but you still would prefer to be out of it.

You received a ton of great gifts for Christmas. I made you a doll (which I have mentioned before.) Santa gave you a Red
Fraggle, and four books about
Slinky Malinki (and man, those were a hit!) I think that the biggest hit was an Anne Geddess “Bug Baby” that you have carried around and even taken to napping with if you can. It is cute, and your Aunt MehMeh (
dacheese) sure knows how to pick a fun gift!

We noticed that you are getting two premolars (as your big sisiter is actually getting her very first
permanent tooth, her first molar on the upper right side.) As usual you couldn’t let Madison have something you don’t have. She has the same number of teeth as you, only the bottom four, are three front and a molar. You however got the “normal” bottom teeth, and are now getting your two molars at once. Ouch, it will not be fun for you. It does explain the drooling and chewing and desire to have a binky. I should have known when you started sucking on your binky again.

Today we went on a hike in the Superstition Mountains. It was a chilly day but quite lovely. You rode in the MeiTei for a while then wanted out. Grandpa carried you, Daddy carried you and Uncle Jesse. You were passed around, until you fell asleep and then, it was back in the carrier where you slept peacefully for nearly two hours. When you awoke it was a lot colder, as the sun was behind clouds and the wind had picked up. Daddy was carrying you on his head, and your poor little chin was quivering. He handed you off to me, and you had warm mama’s milk and snuggles. Then you were all done being carried, and Grandpa and Grandma helped you walk a ways (ok, it was like 25 feet maybe.)

Everyday you show us how much more of an individual you have become. Your personality is developing phenomenally. You are a lover of music, and the other day, we were playing with your Red Fraggle, and I was beat boxing the theme to Fraggle Rock. You walked over to Daddy, with the fraggle and “doo doo doo”ed the same tune. With Rhayn our hopes are for her to be a scientist, with her inquisitive nature and unfaltering questions. For you my hopes are that you will develop you love of music. I hope that you will become the musician that your Daddy wished to be. But most of all, I just hope that you both are incredibly happy, in whatever you choose to do.
Your Mama
1 comment:
So sweet! I love the picture of her on Daddy's head!
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