Lack of sleep...

I am headed out to hometown to visit the family today. I really need someone else to watch Gwennie for just a few minutes.
I had an awful night. Will had to be up at 445 AM! So I set the alarm. Gwennie started tossing and turning about 415, and nursed for a long time, I really needed to pee, so I popped her off, and went even though she was crying. Then I got back into bed and latched her back on. The alarm went off, just as I was starting to doze off again. So Will wakes up, I give him a kiss, and lay back down. Gwennie is still trying to nurse, so I try to get her off, and hold her on my chest. She fusses and starts coughing. Then she PUKES. ALL. OVER. ME. By now its 5 am, I can hear Will leaving, and I am still not asleep and covered in puke. I get up, undress her, take my shirt off, and put a clean one on. I left her naked, but later regretted that as it was a little too cool for her, and she kept trying to snuggle into me even more.
I didn't fall back asleep until 6oo, and Rhayn and Gwennie were up at 730. I was NOT ready to wake up, but a 13 month old loves to pull on eyelids and poke eyes. I totally remember Rhayn doing that!

I guess I should not complain, as Will and I went to bed around the same time, and he had to leave the house at 5, while I was still laying in bed able to relax a bit longer. I am just feeling grumpy this morning, and looking forward to visiting my familia.

1 comment:

Marsha Loftis said...

been there done that...when my children were babies some days they nursed all night long.

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