Once again I have developed Mastitis! Some
never get it, and others get it over and over. Me, well obviously I am prone to infections.
Last night I went to bed about 9 pm, I was feeling a bit cold, so took my temperature, 100. Not really high, but I felt it. So I grabbed a second blanket and wrapped myself tightly in it. All night long I was throwing the blanket off, or reaching for it, my back and head ached. At 6 am, Will snuggled into me, and I told him I had a fever. He held me, and asked if I had taken anything. I had, tylenol about 10 pm. The ibuprofen was downstairs, and in my state I was totally NOT walking down the stairs. I got up and took a warm/hot shower to see if it would help loosen my muscles. Which it did, and by that time the girls were up also. We all went downstairs, and I had a cup of milk and some ibuprofen. My temperature was still hovering at 101. It never reached above that all day.
Will was very helpful and snuggled and held me all day. Even though he has some major homework due this week, he had planned to take today to do it all, but I needed his help. It was one of those days that I just couldn't imagine doing this without him.
And you know what else? I wouldn't give up the nursing relationship I have with Gwennie for the world. Even through this, it hurts for her to nurse on the right side, it is all red and tender, when she looks up at me with milk dribbling down her cheek. It makes my heart melt, I love her so much. I love my family so much.
Tomorrow will be a fun day, lets hope I feel better, because Will has work. I have drawn on my breast, to see if the redness gets worse. I had a heating pad on all day, and my fever never did soar like it has in the past.
I wonder what makes one person more susceptible to these types of things? Oh well, it is worth it, totally worth it.
1 comment:
are you feeling any better? hope so!
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