
I have been, and still am, down in the dumps.I don't know why. I just feel depressed. Sad, about Gwennie turning one.
Rhayn's first birthday didn't do this to me, it just came and went, and I was excited about it. I was still young, I didn't know how fast the time would fly by. How quickly my baby would become my little girl.
Now, I am looking at another beautiful little girl, who a year ago was still inside me, safe and tiny. Now she is so big, so mobile, so independent.
The heat, the lasting heat is getting to me, also. Its still 100 degrees, and its killing me. We had a week of low 90s and it was heaven, but I need seasons. I need to live where the leaves change color in the autumn. Where snow falls on the ground and covers the world in a blanket of white- fresh and new.
I need to stop being sad, or maybe I just need a night out with some old friends, or even some new friends.


Lil said...

I can understand Leaner...I mean a year whips by so freaking fast doesn't it?? It's okay to be said, and when you're ready, if you can, shift your focus instead to her future...sounds forming words, walking becomes running (I love when Monkey-Moo runs into my waiting arms), her personality expanding with each new day...it's all wonderful, and waiting for you to rejoice in just around the corner...when you're ready! *hug*


purplelurple said...

I know how you feel, Except for me 2 yrs just came and went. If you need some grown up time give me a call I will be up for anything.

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