Quilts and School

The other day I met a friend at Joanns, because she is having a baby and she wanted me to teach her how to make slings. So I helped her pick out some fabric. She found this fabric with snails on it. She didn't know what to do with it, only that she loved it, and wanted it. So we talked about making a sling tail out of it. But we decided that it wanted to be a quilt. Originally we were looking for some black flannel to back it with. It ended up being black corduroy, and you know what? It is AWESOME!

Its only the 3rd quilt I have made, and the best one so far. There are some tiny errors (like being about 2 inches short of material on each end) but it came out really well. It is an Arizona blanket, so no batting so it won't be too hot. I need to post a picture of the one I made for Rhayn, too. Its very girly- pink and purple, but pretty (I let her pick out some fabric, but I grabbed a lot of coordinating purples, so it isn't all pink.)

Gwennie of course LOVES it, and the second I laid it down to take a picture of it she crawled onto it and snuggled. I made her one from a kit at Joanns, but when she is a little older I will make her another and let her pick out some fabric (hopefully she will not want a pink one!)

Have I mentioned that I love to sew? It makes me happy to sew something and have it turn out well. It made me sort of made because I made myself a reversible pouch and it came out horrid. I tried sewing with brocade and that stuff slips and slides and does NOT stay in place and I am AWFUL at pinning. I am also not so good at patterns. I like to free hand stuff, and luckily MOST of the time it comes out well.

I got the welcome packet for Rhayn's school yesterday. Whoa, is it starting to hit me that she is starting school! Its a BIG DEAL! We have to pack a lunch for her everyday, which is fine, and I have to make her a set of matching things- an apron, bag, placemat, and napkins. She chose purple with daisies on it for that, so not pink (I didn't let her look at the pick fabric.) I need to get those started. Those are to be done by the second week of school.


TLC said...

I think I have the notion that skipping kindergarten is how it's going to work for us around here. As far as Slade going - it was good at that time because of us just moving here and me being a basket case. If Crispin is super all out on going then he can but if he decides to stay home - that will be fine with me too.

I miss sewing but have been making up for it with knitting. (I get all crafty when pg) I've made 3 little baby sweaters. I'm actually keeping one for my own. I seem to never keep anything I make. The only thing I can think I've kept is my first felted bag that I use for a diaper bag in the winter.

Mid-life Midwife said...

that quilt is super cute! and i love the snail fabric! good job. i am envious. i do not sew much more than buttons and bad patch jobs. i knit scarves and hats and only from november thru feb (the colder months)! your work is lovely!

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